Monday, October 09, 2006

In the Beginning...

Well, this is an experiment for me. It's my first attempt at maintaining a blog. I thought it would be fun (and perhaps useful) to try and annotate my attempts at designing and implementing some modules for the shortly upcoming NWN2. I'm a long time D&D player, though in recent years (after having moved, started a family, etc...) I haven't really had the chance to play much. When NWN came out several years ago, I saw that as my chance to get back into the game. So far NWN2 is promising the same for me, and from what I've seen, it looks good.

I've got two projects planned at the moment. The first one is a random murder-mystery generator which is basically a scripting project. The second is an idea for a full module that popped into my head last week some time, for running through some historical events in the world of Eberron's Last War. More on that later.

I'll try to keep up to date on my postings here (shooting for something like a post every day or two), but we'll see how it goes.

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