Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Slow Progress

With work and real life interfering at every corner, progress has been slow. I did manage to crack open NWN1 and get reacquainted with some of the scripting functions. It does not look good for my murder mystery project. What I wanted to do was set up a single dialog that could be reused by each suspect NPC. The dialog would pull text strings off of the NPC that was speaking (those text strings being assigned to the NPC based on its role in the murder). It doesn't look like conversations are capable of that, though I could probably force it using floating text above NPCs heads, but that's not quite what I wanted. Well, I've only spent a day or so on it so maybe the solution exists and has just eluded me.

As for my Last War project, the planning continues. I have decided to try and implement affiliations in the module, and have 2 candidates in mind. The King's Citadel, and the Redcloaks. The PCs will get the chance to join one of those organizations early on, and their decision to do so or not will affect the choices they get to make throughout the rest of the module (and hopefully in modules to come). It does mean that I'll have to put some extra effort int writing up dialog trees for each affiliation. If that goes well, I might throw a third option in there to join one of the Deneith guilds for those who don't necessarily want to be affiliated with Breland.

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